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Fred is approximately 16 years old. Fred was discovered in a backyard emaciated. His only food source was his fecal matter. Fred had numerous injuries including several to his skull. Fred was near death. Other rescues said to put him down. Fred’s eyes said different. Fred was only about 700 lbs when rescued. Fred was saved by Great Spirit Animal Sanctuary and their fosters. They knew he wanted to live. He has a long road to his recovery. Fred was moved to the Sanctuary on Christmas eve 2018. Fred still has a long road to full recovery.

Fred is a favorite at the Sanctuary with all of the children volunteers. Children always are amazed that adults would allow this to occur to Fred. Fred loves when the children wash, brush and just hug him.

Fred loves to be held, hugged and especially loves his face scratched. Fred is now enjoying his life with the other equine at the Sanctuary. Fred has a permanent home for life at the Sanctuary.

Fred enjoys eating carrots, watermelon, apples and especially loves his apple horse treats.


Fred 2018

The day Fred was saved.



Fred 6 months after being rescued

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6 months after being rescued

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Fred getting some exercise