Provided by Great Spirit Animal Sanctuary

Great Spirit Animal Sanctuary

registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization EIN #82-1095343.


Our Mission

Provide a permanent home to animals on Sanctuary land.  Our mission is saving dogs, horses, cats, donkeys, goats, pigs, poultry and other animals as needed from unnecessary euthanasia and slaughter just because they cannot find a permanent home.  Great Spirit Animal Sanctuary provides them a permanent safe home for life.

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
— Mahatma Gandhi

our PLAN


  • Provide a space for horses donkeys and mules, giving them a safe home.

  • Saving pigs and goats being slaughtered.

  • Provide dogs a safe place to call home.

  • Helping to reduce cat euthanasia by giving them a place to call home.

  • Reducing the need to slaughter various poultry.

This horse is being round up to be sent to slaughter because no one bid on him. He had no home to go to. Our Sanctuary will help stop sending them to slaughter. We appreciate your help!

This horse is being round up to be sent to slaughter because no one bid on him. He had no home to go to. Our Sanctuary will help stop sending them to slaughter. We appreciate your help!

This dog will never go up for a adoption in the pound because of his breed. Our Sanctuary will provide him a permanent home outside a cage. We appreciate your help!

This dog will never go up for a adoption in the pound because of his breed. Our Sanctuary will provide him a permanent home outside a cage. We appreciate your help!